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June 14, 2012

Town of Princeton, MA
Zoning Board of Appeals
Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of appeals will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall Annex, 4 Town Hall Drive on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. on the petition of Thomas Sullivan for a Special Permit seeking relief from Zoning By-law Section VI.1.E to allow for the construction of an attached garage.  
Property is located at 60 Greene Road, Assessors map #3, Lot 3-2. A copy of the petition may be reviewed at the Town Hall during normal business hours. All interested parties are invited to attend.

Princeton Board of Appeals
John Puricelli, Chairman

     The Landmark
May 17 2012
May 24, 2012